PGM Orbits Academy Private Limited is an Indian private company incorporated on 20/02/2018 and its registered office address is # 405/6, T.H.ROAD,G.C.K COMPLEX, , #28 2ND FLOOR, THIRUVOTTIYUR CHENNAI ,Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India,600019. The current age of the company as per its registration date is 5 Years 2 Months 23 Days and is classified as the Non-govt company.
PGM Orbits Academy Private Limited is registered at Registrar of Companies, Chennai (RoC-Chennai). The company was founded by LAVAN GNANADESIKAN and RAJESWARI LAVAN in the year 2018. The company has 2 directors on board at the time of inception and they were appointed on the dates 2018-02-20 and 2018-02-20 respectively. The contact details of the company are mentioned in the contact section or you could contact them by submitting the request for quote form on their website.