Welcome to Our Oribts Academy

PGM Orbits Academy Private Limited is an Indian private company incorporated on 20/02/2018 and its registered office address is # 405/6, T.H.ROAD,G.C.K COMPLEX, , #28 2ND FLOOR, THIRUVOTTIYUR CHENNAI ,Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India,600019. The current age of the company as per its registration date is 5 Years 2 Months 23 Days and is classified as the Non-govt company.

PGM Orbits Academy Private Limited is registered at Registrar of Companies, Chennai (RoC-Chennai). The company was founded by LAVAN GNANADESIKAN and RAJESWARI LAVAN in the year 2018. The company has 2 directors on board at the time of inception and they were appointed on the dates 2018-02-20 and 2018-02-20 respectively. The contact details of the company are mentioned in the contact section or you could contact them by submitting the request for quote form on their website.

A Good Education is a Foundation for a Better Future. Join us
About us

To provide secondary and senior secondary education those belonging to disadvantaged groups (e.g. the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally disadvantaged classes and other socially, culturally, economically, geographically sections of the society, or such other factors as may be specified/ notified by the appropriate Government) and people belonging to weaker sections who are not able to get secondary and senior secondary education in the normal course of life.To provide professional services to the government and other agencies in the field of education, in general, and school education, in particular, for the development and growth of distance and open school system and develop appropriate curriculum for vocational and continuing education to prepare student population for the world of work.

Why Choose Us?

Assured Results

Our unique and innovative methodology enables us to give results assurance.

Experienced Professors

Our faculty have decades of teaching experience in reputed institutes like IIT, Anna University.

Regular Tests

We conduct tests regularly. Students can judge their performance regularly.

Reasonable Fees

Our motto is best education in affordable price. Special discounts for financially weak students.

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